• Web sitemizin içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için Web sitemize kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Web sitemize üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
  • Sohbetokey.com ile canlı okey oynamaya ne dersin? Hem sohbet et, hem mobil okey oyna!
  • Soru mu? Sorun mu? ''Bir Sorum Var?'' sistemimiz aktiftir. Paylaşın beraber çözüm üretelim.
Bu, hızlı yüklenen mobil optimize edilmiş bir AMP sayfadır, gerçek sayfayı yüklemek istiyorsanız bu metni tıklayın.

Arama Motoru-(site-içi)-1

Üyelik Tarihi
7 Ocak 2015
MFC Puanı
<!-- Original: Dion (biab@iinet.net.au) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.iinet.net.au/~biab -->

<!-- Begin
var item = new Array();

/* Here is where all the magic happens. 
Just enter as many additional pages that
that you want to search, then fill in the
additional listings for each page.

// "Page Name","path","Page Title","Many,Key,Words","Descriptive Comments"

c=0; item[c]=new Array("index.html","","DemoSite","index,main,start ,home,front","Demonstration search engine data about an imagined but probable internet site.");
c++; item[c]=new Array("about.htm","","About Me","about,author,contact,email,who","Contact details and general information about the creator of the site and what the site is about.");
c++; item[c]=new Array("links.htm","","Links page","links,more,where,similar,friends","Links to my favourite sites which I find interesting. Other friends sites which have similar interests to my own.");
c++; item[c]=new Array("main.htm","main/","Main Page","content,main,focus","The main part of my site which contains what you have come to see. Lots of stuff like that and more great things. All in a sub directory.");
c++; item[c]=new Array("logo.jpg","main/images/","Link Logo","link,image,logo,graphic","The logo.jpg is just a small image which you can place on your site as a link to me. It's in a second level subdirectory.");

page="<html><head><title>Search Results</title></head><body bgcolor='white'><center><table border=0 cellspacing=10 width=80%>";

function search(frm) {
win = window.open("","","scrollbars");
txt = frm.srchval.value.split(" ");
fnd = new Array(); total=0;
for (i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
fnd[i] = 0; order = new Array(0, 4, 2, 3);
for (j = 0; j < order.length; j++)
for (k = 0; k < txt.length; k++)
if (item[i][order[j]].toLowerCase().indexOf(txt[k]) > -1 && txt[k] != "")
fnd[i] += (j+1);
for (i = 0; i < fnd.length; i++) {
n = 0; w = -1;
for (j = 0;j < fnd.length; j++)
if (fnd[j] > n) { n = fnd[j]; w = j; };
if (w > -1) total += show(w, win, n);
fnd[w] = 0;
win.********.write("</table><br>Toplam Sonuç: "+total+"<br></body></html>");
function show(which,wind,num) {
link = item[which][1] + item[which][0]; 
line = "<tr><td><a href='"+link+"'>"+item[which][2]+"</a> Score: "+num+"<br>";
line += item[which][4] + "<br>"+link+"</td></tr>";
return 1;
// End -->